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Build the BlindAI Client SDK from source

BlindAI Client SDK can currently be built from source on Linux and Windows platforms.


If you're building the client because you want to change it, you should rather got to the setting up your dev environment page


Before proceeding to build the client, make sure the following requirements are installed in your environment.

  • python >= 3.7
  • python3-dev package (or python-devel in CentOs based distros) - The version of python3-dev depends on the version of python you are using.
  • poetry

Building and installing the package

Clone the repository

git clone
cd blindai/client

Install third party libraries

git submodule init
git submodule update

Check pip version

pip >= 21 is needed, so make sure to check what your pip version is and to update it in case a prior version was installed.

  • Check pip version
$ pip --version
  • If the installed version is pip 9.x.x , upgrade pip
$ pip install -U pip

Installing the client using Poetry

On the client, we deployed a Poetry virtual environment to make it easier to build and run blindAI Client.

You just have to install poetry by using pip and run it by following these steps :

$ pip install poetry && cd client/

(client-py)$ poetry shell 

(client-py)$ poetry install

BlindAI Client SDK will be then built and installed in the virtual environment.