Module blindai.core


def connect(addr: str, unattested_server_port: int = 9923, attested_server_port: int = 9924, model_management_port: int = 9925, hazmat_manifest_path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, hazmat_http_on_unattested_port=False, simulation_mode: bool = False) ‑> BlindAiConnection

Connect to a BlindAi server.


addr : str
The address of BlindAI server you want to connect to. It can be a domain (such as "" or "localhost") or an IP
unattested_server_port : int, optional
The unattested server port number. Defaults to 9923.
attested_server_port : int, optional
The attested server port number. Defaults to 9924.
model_management_port : int, optional
The model management port. Needs to be specified if the server only accepts model upload/deletion locally. Defaults to 9924.
hazmat_manifest_path : Optional[pathlib.Path], optional
Path to the Manifest.toml which describes which enclave are to be accepted. Defaults to the built-in Manifest.toml provided by Mithril Security as part of the Python package. You can override the default by providing a path to your own Manifest.toml Caution: Changing the manifest can impact the security of the solution.
hazmat_http_on_unattested_port : bool, optional
If set to True, the client will request the attestation elements of the server using a plain HTTP connection instead of a more secure HTTPS connection. Defaults to False. Caution: This parameter should never be set to True in production. Using a HTTPS connection is critical to get a graceful degradation in case of a failure of the Intel SGX attestation.
simulation_mode : bool, optional
If set to True, BlindAI will work in simulation mode. Caution: In simulation, BlindAI does not provide any security since there is no SGX enclave. This mode SHOULD NEVER be enabled in production. Defaults to False (production mode)

Raises: requests.exceptions.RequestException: If a network or server error occurs ValueError: raised when inputs sanity checks fail IdentityError: raised when the enclave signature does not match the enclave signature expected in the manifest EnclaveHeldDataError: raised when the expected enclave held data does not match the one in the quote QuoteValidationError: raised when the returned quote is invalid (TCB outdated, not signed by the hardware provider…). AttestationError: raised when the attestation is not valid (enclave settings mismatching, debug mode unallowed…)


An object representing an active connection to a BlindAi server


class AttestationError (*args, **kwargs)

This exception is raised when the attestation is invalid (enclave settings mismatching, debug mode unallowed…).

Used as master exception for all other sub exceptions on the attestation validation


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class EnclaveHeldDataError (expected: bytes, got: bytes)

This exception is raised when the enclave held data expected does not match the one in the quote.

The expected enclave held data in BlindAI is an SHA-256 hash of the enclave certificate to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks


expected_hash : str
Enclave held data hash expected
got_hash : str
Enclave held data hash obtained from the quote's report


  • blindai._dcap_attestation.QuoteValidationError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class IdentityError (expected: bytes, got: bytes)

This exception is raised when the enclave code digest (MRENCLAVE is SGX terminology) does not match the digest provided in the manifest


expected_hash : str
hash from manifest
got_hash : str
hash obtained from the quote's report


  • blindai._dcap_attestation.QuoteValidationError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class ModelDatumType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

An enumeration.


  • enum.IntEnum
  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var Bool
var F32
var F64
var I16
var I32
var I64
var I8
var U16
var U32
var U64
var U8
class QuoteValidationError (*args, **kwargs)

This exception is raised when the returned quote is invalid (TCB outdated, not signed by the hardware provider…).

Used as master exception for all other sub exceptions on the quote validation


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException


  • blindai._dcap_attestation.EnclaveHeldDataError
  • blindai._dcap_attestation.IdentityError
class RunModelResponse (output: List[Tensor])

RunModelResponse(output: List[blindai.client.Tensor])

Class variables

var output : List[Tensor]
class Tensor (info: Union[TensorInfo, dict], bytes_data: bytes)

Tensor class to convert serialized tensors into convenients objects.

Class variables

var bytes_data : bytes
var info : Union[TensorInfo, dict]

Instance variables

var datum_typeModelDatumType
var shape : tuple


def as_flat(self) ‑> list

Convert the prediction calculated by the server to a flat python list.

def as_numpy(self)

Convert the prediction calculated by the server to a numpy array.

def as_torch(self)

Convert the prediction calculated by the server to a Torch Tensor.

As torch is heavy it's an optional dependency of the project, and is imported only when needed.

Raises: ImportError if torch isn't installed

class TensorInfo (fact, datum_type, node_name=None)

Class variables

var datum_typeModelDatumType
var fact : List[int]
var node_name : str
class UploadResponse (model_id: str, hash: bytes)

UploadResponse(model_id: str, hash: bytes)

Class variables

var hash : bytes
var model_id : str